

BC and Ottawa announce $733 million in federal funding for elderly health care in the province

BC and Ottawa announce in federal funding

In a joint initiative, the governments of British Columbia (BC) and Ottawa announced a new bilateral agreement of $733 million to improve health care for the elderly in the province. 

The signing of the agreement took place on Monday, February 12, 2024, marking the second major bilateral health partnership between the two governments in just four months. 

The main goal of the agreement is to strengthen BC’s health system and ensure that the elderly in the province have access to high-quality care. 

How the federal funding for elderly health will be used 

The agreement will last for five years, and the funding will be divided as follows:

  • Federal government: $586 million
  • Government of British Columbia: $147 million 

Subsequently, the federal funding will be directed to three main areas: 

Expansion of home and community care 

The investment will allow more elderly to receive the care they need at home or in their communities, avoiding unnecessary hospital admissions and promoting a better quality of life. 

This includes increasing the number of places in nursing homes, providing more support for people living with dementia, and improving access to physiotherapy and occupational therapy services. 

Improvement of access to palliative and end-of-life care 

The agreement aims to ensure that the elderly with serious illnesses have access to compassionate and quality care during their last days. 

This includes providing more training for health professionals on palliative care, expanding access to palliative care beds, and providing more support for families and caregivers. 

Enhancement of the quality of long-term care 

The funding will be used to improve the conditions of nursing homes, improve quality standards, and increase the number of qualified professionals to meet the needs of the elderly. 

The announcement was received with enthusiasm 

The announcement was praised by society groups, including advocates for the rights of the elderly, health professionals, and government officials. 

The Premier of BC, Sonia Furstenau, highlighted that the agreement represents an important step to ensure that the elderly in the province receive the care they deserve. 

The Federal Minister of Health also expressed his satisfaction with the partnership. He emphasized that the federal government’s investment will contribute to strengthening BC’s health system and improving the lives of the elderly in the province. 

The bilateral agreement between BC and Ottawa is a positive example of collaboration between governments to address health system challenges. 

The $733 million investment will have a significant impact on the lives of the elderly in the province, ensuring they have access to high-quality health care and promoting a better quality of life.